Allegro Film

More than Honey

More than Honey


Seit drei Jahren sterben auf der ganzen Welt die Bienen. Über die Ursachen wird noch gerätselt, aber schon jetzt ist sicher: Es geht um mehr als nur um ein paar tote Insekten und es geht um wesentlich mehr als nur um Honig.

Die Beziehungen zwischen Mensch und Honigbiene verraten uns viel über uns, über die Natur und über unsere Zukunft. Sie zeigen uns, dass Stabilität ebenso ungesund ist wie unbegrenztes Wachstum, dass es die Krisen und Katastrophen sind, die die Evolution vorantreiben, und dass die Rettung oft aus einer völlig unerwarteten Richtung kommt.

Alle berichten vom Sterben der Bienen. MORE THAN HONEY erzählt von ihrem Leben.

Prädikat "Besonders wertvoll"

MORE THAN HONEY ist mit mehr als 230.000 Besuchern der bisher erfolgreichste Dokumentarfilm aller Zeiten in der Schweiz. In Österreich konnte er bis jetzt über 51.000 Zuschauer in den Kino begeistern, in Deutschland sahen den Film bereits mehr als 170.000 Besucher und in Frankreich mehr als 132.000.

Millions and millions of bees have disappeared in 2007 and 2008.
Seemingly unmotivated, without any prior symptoms of illness or infection they have disappeared from a hive saturated with honey - never to reappear at any other place, but also without leaving any dead bodies behind. Helpless the queen and the young stay behind and die the slow and painful death of starvation. Just to get the picture: 80% of the population of Manhattan, Zurich and Berlin has disappeared, including the entire administration, the police, houses and flats deserted, the cupboards are filled with money yet there is no one left to steal it. In the cribs and nurseries there are babies and toddlers, whining, starving.
Despite intensive research science has not managed to come up with an explanation. This is worrying because there is more at stake than honey: Today the bee is one of the most important farm animal within the modern, globalised agricultural industry. Without pollination services provided by billions of honeybees, a large part of our fruit and vegetables - even meat - would never end up on our plates. The dependency is mutual. It is just not humans profiting from the bees - but vice versa. The bee followed in man's footsteps in its worldwide expansion.
But now the balance of power seems to shift in the contract between man and bee. Is it just a momentary fluke or are we facing the early stages of total system collapse? Life and survival depends upon a mutual respect between parasite and host. A successful parasite allows the host to live - it is not the survival of the fittest, it is the most adaptable, who survives. Now our collaboration with our most important farm animal does not work as a smoothly anymore. Is it the bees? Or is it us?
Even Albert Einstein predicted: If bees are extinct, man will surely follow within four years.

MORE THAN HONEY is the most successful documentary at the box office in Switzerland of all times. So far more than 230.000 people have seen the film in theatres. In Austria the film was seen by more than 51.000 people, in Germany by more than 170.000 and in France by more than 132.000 up to now.

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More than Honey

More than Honey


Seit drei Jahren sterben auf der ganzen Welt die Bienen. Über die Ursachen wird noch gerätselt, aber schon jetzt ist sicher: Es geht um mehr als nur um ein paar tote Insekten und es geht um wesentlich mehr als nur um Honig.

Die Beziehungen zwischen Mensch und Honigbiene verraten uns viel über uns, über die Natur und über unsere Zukunft. Sie zeigen uns, dass Stabilität ebenso ungesund ist wie unbegrenztes Wachstum, dass es die Krisen und Katastrophen sind, die die Evolution vorantreiben, und dass die Rettung oft aus einer völlig unerwarteten Richtung kommt.

Alle berichten vom Sterben der Bienen. MORE THAN HONEY erzählt von ihrem Leben.

Prädikat "Besonders wertvoll"

MORE THAN HONEY ist mit mehr als 230.000 Besuchern der bisher erfolgreichste Dokumentarfilm aller Zeiten in der Schweiz. In Österreich konnte er bis jetzt über 51.000 Zuschauer in den Kino begeistern, in Deutschland sahen den Film bereits mehr als 170.000 Besucher und in Frankreich mehr als 132.000.

Millions and millions of bees have disappeared in 2007 and 2008.
Seemingly unmotivated, without any prior symptoms of illness or infection they have disappeared from a hive saturated with honey - never to reappear at any other place, but also without leaving any dead bodies behind. Helpless the queen and the young stay behind and die the slow and painful death of starvation. Just to get the picture: 80% of the population of Manhattan, Zurich and Berlin has disappeared, including the entire administration, the police, houses and flats deserted, the cupboards are filled with money yet there is no one left to steal it. In the cribs and nurseries there are babies and toddlers, whining, starving.
Despite intensive research science has not managed to come up with an explanation. This is worrying because there is more at stake than honey: Today the bee is one of the most important farm animal within the modern, globalised agricultural industry. Without pollination services provided by billions of honeybees, a large part of our fruit and vegetables - even meat - would never end up on our plates. The dependency is mutual. It is just not humans profiting from the bees - but vice versa. The bee followed in man's footsteps in its worldwide expansion.
But now the balance of power seems to shift in the contract between man and bee. Is it just a momentary fluke or are we facing the early stages of total system collapse? Life and survival depends upon a mutual respect between parasite and host. A successful parasite allows the host to live - it is not the survival of the fittest, it is the most adaptable, who survives. Now our collaboration with our most important farm animal does not work as a smoothly anymore. Is it the bees? Or is it us?
Even Albert Einstein predicted: If bees are extinct, man will surely follow within four years.

MORE THAN HONEY is the most successful documentary at the box office in Switzerland of all times. So far more than 230.000 people have seen the film in theatres. In Austria the film was seen by more than 51.000 people, in Germany by more than 170.000 and in France by more than 132.000 up to now.

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